High consumption
Everyone knows this moment by now. Overconsumption is at the center of attention of a large world organization. No need to give you a definition but still. To put it very simply, overconsumption is a level of consumption that is much higher than the normal needs.
Consume but recycle
Why is overconsumption a regret for me. Quite simply some people, you, even me by the same occasion, consume too much. So much in food, when technology and all this seems to be normal. We may think we have infinite resources but this is not the case. At the moment we are consuming more resources than the Earth can produce in a single year. And this moment is getting closer and closer every year. In 1970, this day arrived on December 29. In 2022, 50 years later, this moment arrives on July 28.
Consume more than it produces
In only 50 years, we have gone from a consumption of about 1/1 to a consumption of about 1.5/1. So far we have only talked about resource consumption. Of course, overconsumption also affects the climate. The more we consume, the greater the global warming. This consequence would be, for some organisms, irreversible. With about 55 billion tons of CO2 in 2018, it seems very unlikely to reach a 0 rate before 2050.
The solution
To mitigate this overconsumption and global warming, we could recycle more. Try to focus on other things that the competition has taken everything and try to live rather than survive the risk of a major extinction of humanity. What I say remains at the moment only words. But maybe one day we will see a world that can live only survive and maybe in a green world where overconsumption will be reduced.